CESNUR - Centro Studi sulle Nuove Religioni diretto da Massimo Introvigne



Jehovah's Witnesses, Shunning, and Religious Liberty: The Ghent Court Decision

Quebec City

A Webinar organized by CESNUR (Center for Studies and New Religions) and Human Rights Without Frontiers

April 9, 2021 - 4-7 p.m., Brussels time


Chair: Rosita ŠORYTĖ, European Federation for Freedom of Belief

Introduction: The Main Legal and Social Issues Involved in the Ghent Case - James T. RICHARDSON, University of Nevada, Reno

The Ghent Case and Its Belgian Context - Willy FAUTRE', Human Rights Without Frontiers, Brussels

The Shunning Practice of the Jeohvah's Witnesses - George CHRYSSIDES, University of Birmingham and York's St John University

Excommunication: Looking for a Balance of Interests Between Opposite Freedoms - Yannick THIELS, attorney, Brussels

Jehovah's Witnesses and Shunning: A Look at International Case Law - Alessandro AMICARELLI, attorney, London

Shunning and the Anti-Cult Movement - Holly FOLK, Western Washington University

The Ghent Decision and Religious Liberty - Massimo INTROVIGNE, CESNUR, Torino

Conclusions - Eileen BARKER, London School of Economics (em.), London

Watch the video of the webinar