"Christian Right Groups Protest FBI's Warning on Extremists"

("The Washington Post", January 6, 2000)

With no sign yet of domestic millennial terrorism, a coalition of conservative Christian groups yesterday called for Congress to investigate what it considers the FBI's overblown pre-New Year's warnings about the threat of Christian extremists.
Echoing a complaint frequently made by Arab Americans, 32 religious right groups claim an October report by the FBI's domestic terrorism unit paints millennial Christians--which includes most evangelicals--as dangerous.
The coalition first raised concerns in a November letter to House Republican leaders, after contents of "Project Megiddo" were revealed.
FBI spokesman John Collingwood yesterday defended Project Megiddo, saying it was not intended to target any individual or group or "besmirch" anyone's reputation. He said it was designed to alert the law enforcement community to potential threats linked to the millennium.


FBI and Project Megiddo: Updates

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Mon, Mar 13, 2000